7 May 2024
Advisory Committee meeting minutes
- Ingrid Bayliss (Chair)
- Miriam Dean (Barrister Director)
- Tania Williams (General Manager – Member Services, Engineering New Zealand)
- Tom McBrearty (Chair, Canterbury Homeowner Advisory Group)
- Hamish Wall (Strategic Advisor, EQC Toka Tū Ake)
- Casey Hurren (Chief Executive, Southern Response)
- Kris Faafoi (Chief Executive, ICNZ)
- Sean Fullan (Resilience & Recovery Manager, ICNZ)
In attendance
- Darren Wright (Director, NZCRS)
- Susan Rolton (Team Leader Support, NZCRS)
- Kirsty Hamilton (Principal Advisor, NZCRS)
- Edward Butler (Solicitor, MBIE)
- Tina Mitchell (Chief Executive, EQC Toka Tū Ake)
- Kate Tod (Chief Readiness Officer, EQC Toka Tū Ake)
Meeting Administration
Kris Faafoi and Sean Fullan were welcomed to their first meeting of the Advisory Committee.
Conflicts of Interest
- No conflicts of interest were declared.
- Actions from the previous meeting reviewed and progress noted on the actions register.
NZCRS Operational
- The Director spoke to his April 2024 Report. Discussion followed and the group noted the demand for services has been trending downwards; pleasingly there has been an increase in cases closing.
- A staffing update was provided with the Director advising average caseloads are now at an appropriate level.
- The proportion of claims settled by EQC Toka Tū Ake, and the Insurer continues to increase.
- As to Canterbury Earthquakes Sequence (CES) cases, the focus remains on progression of aged cases (pre-2021) and working with EQC Toka Tū Ake EQC on how to progress these.
- The exit survey results noted satisfaction remaining strong with 85% of homeowners reporting they would recommend NZCRS to others. Although this percentage is down slightly from 88% in the previous quarter, result is above performance target of 75%.
- The Director noted QMS model now launched within the team and work continuing towards gaining ISO9001 accreditation. It was noted the benefit a QMS model will provide to the homeowner.
ICNZ Update
- Kris Faafoi updated the group on ICNZ strategic priorities and long-term challenges observed, such as.
- Maintaining affordability, promoting resilience within NZ and the outside influences impacting insurance.
- Resetting the foundation of relationships with stakeholders and continuing to build strong partnerships at Central Government level.
- Maintaining trust and affordability with consumers - ensuring insurance continues to be affordable given the cost-of-living crisis.
- Maintaining confidence from the international reinsurance market – ICNZ advocating to ensure NZ is doing everything it can to reduce risks and that New Zealanders are covered.
- Being proactive and utilising the regulatory environment to publicly push policy changes, innovation, and financing tools.
- Continue proactive conversations with the insurance sector and ICNZ members to ensure we are keeping our community safe.
Advisory Group Update
Canterbury Homeowner Advisory Group
- The Chair spoke about the benefit of introducing North Island members to the CHOAG group and the consistency a New Zealand wide approach would offer. It was agreed to investigate this further.
- The committee discussed insurance advocates and the operation of a professional body (qualification) to regulate this work.
Legal Advisory Group
- Aged cases (pre-2021) continue to be a focus and progression of these to the tribunal.
- Discussion with EQC Toka Tū Ake on the removal of counsel at pre-hearing conferences for all parties, so they are less adversarial and more inquisitorial.
- CEIT concerned about the size of documentation management bundles provided at the Tribunal. Focusing on how to reduce these at pre-hearing conferences.
- Land claims issues and difference between insurance settlement and actual cost as a result of Council enhanced foundations/compliance.
- NZCRS to provide dashboard to Minister Bayly on NZCRS achievements and the value this service to the homeowner.
Engineering Advisory Group
- Overview provided of engineering panel service and members appointment process.
- Continually refining report templates and adapting these to meet the needs of the changing environment.
- The committee discussed engineering instruction brief template and if a factor in producing large documents. A review of instruction brief template to be undertaken.
Review of Agenda
General Business
- NZCRS in the process of finalising a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Financial Markets Authority (FMA).
- Discussed the process of Engineers being engaged off the panel, need to identify those who are willing to be engaged by homeowners.
- NZCRS to start working on MOU with IFSO and how we mutually operate in future events.
- The committee discussed deadlock letters and the dispute resolution/Ombudsmen reducing the time for issuing these from three to two months.
- On behalf of the NZCRS team, Kirsty noted the amount of effort put in towards the implementation of QMS system and the success of the presentation by the Director to staff. The Group noted their appreciation for the work NZCRS have done in making this a success.
- The next Advisory Committee meeting date scheduled for 13th August 2024 and will be held online only.
Meeting closed: 2.09pm