5 March 2024
Legal Advisory Group meeting minutes.
- Miriam Dean (Chair)
- John Hardie (Advisor, Internal Disputes Resolution)
- Emily Walton (Independent Lawyer)
- Gina Ronald (Engineering NZ)
- Vanessa Howell (Crown Law)
In attendance
- Robert Vincent (Community Law Canterbury)
- Stephen Campbell (Community Law Canterbury)
- Darren Wright (Director, NZCRS)
- Victoria Wood (Community Law)
- Edward Butler (Solicitor, MBIE)
- Susan Rolton (Team Leader Support, NZCRS)
- Kirsty Hamilton (Principal Advisor Insurance Claims, NZCRS)
- Paul Kirby (General Manager Regulation and General Counsel, Engineering New Zealand)
Meeting administration
Conflicts of interest
Emily Walton declared she is representing a Homeowner at Tribunal and in High Court who is also with NZCRS.
Minutes and actions
The minutes were taken as read and updates provided on the outstanding actions.
NZCRS operational
- The Director spoke to his February 2024 Report. Discussion followed and the group noted the demand for services has been trending downwards; pleasingly there has been an increase in cases closing.
- Homeowners not returning consent forms remains high, although slightly lower than previous quarter. Agreed that these need close monitoring.
- A staffing update was provided with the Director advising average caseloads are now at an appropriate level.
- As to Canterbury Earthquakes Sequence (CES) cases, the group discussed the focus and progression of aged cases (pre-2021) and as well the increased complexity involved with current cases. Agreed that focus must remain on closing the older CES cases and working with Toka Tū Ake EQC to facilitate this.
- The exit survey results were noted with satisfaction remaining strong with 88% of homeowners reporting they would recommend the NZCRS to others. Wellbeing support has now been established throughout the country.
- The group discussed hazard notices and how these are triggered. It noted the potential risk that these may perversely discourage repair work. Agreed this matter needs to be worked through with relevant parties.
- The Director noted the increase in demand for services supporting homeowners in the early phases of the CEIT. This is often due to the increased legal representation homeowners are now facing with senior lawyers often engaged by Toka Tū Ake EQC.
- The Director advised the group of Tim Grafton’s (CEO, ICNZ) retirement and acknowledged the immense contribution he has made to the insurance industry and homeowners.
Dispute resolution service
Toka Tū Ake EQC’s procurement process for their dispute resolution scheme was discussed with NZCRS confirming they were not the successful applicant. Discussion followed.
IDRS update
- The IDRS Advisor discussed the necessity of moving homeowners who are experiencing issues with Toka Tū Ake EQC into formal dispute resolution.
- The first determination on the papers is in progress and will be reviewed by the IDRS Advisor once released.
- The Director committed to working through aged cases (pre- 2021).
Engineering NZ update
Gina Ronald updated the group on engineering related matters and noted the general continuing trend in reinstatement recommendation referrals.
3. Review of agenda
General business
The next Legal Advisory Group meeting date scheduled for 7th May 2024 and will be held online only.
Meeting closed: 10:03am