5 December 2022
Engineering Advisory Group meeting minutes
Tania Williams (Chair, ENZ), Jodi Caughley (GM Legal, ENZ), Tiffany Matsis (Legal Manager), Barry Brown (SESOC), David Whittaker (NZSEE), Tony Fairclough (NZGS), and Siobhan Lilley (ENZ, Panel Advisor)
In attendance
Darren Wright (Director, GCCRS), Kirsty Hamilton (Principal Advisor, GCCRS), Tom McBrearty (HOAG, Chair), Martin Pratchett (ENZ)
Dave Brunsdon (Consultant, ENZ)
- There were no conflicts of interest recorded.
- Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed and progress noted and agreed.
Panel services update
- A data update was provided to the group. ENZ currently has completed 43 engagements for GCCRS for the year and currently has 9 open engagements with the GCCRS. There are no cases awaiting assignment.
GCCRS update
- A brief data update was provided to the group. Demand still remains strong at around 50 new cases a month, which is higher than anticipated.
- The Director’s quarterly report will be circulated once completed.
- Discussion was held regarding the impact of Marlborough event on the GCCRS, and other national requests for assistance from recent heavy rainfall land damage events.
- A confidential update on the NZCRS was provided.
Feedback on action items
- AP058 Funding of unreinforced foundation report – ENZ continue to work on the funding for this project.
Discussion led by EAG
- Discussion around quality assurance review and that the Reinstatement Recommendation reports will need to become part of this.
- The supporting documents and reports were discussed and the EAG clarified that these would be required to complete a thorough review. Confidentiality was considered and GCCRS are to look into this.
- Epoxy repairs were discussed with the group following email correspondence received from Daniel Langford.
- The legacy project was presented to the group.
Discussion led by HOAG representatives
- A representative from the Homeowners Advisory Group led a discussion on the importance of the ENZ Letter of Engagement.
- An update following HOAG’s meeting with Toka Tū Ake EQC staff was provided. Further meetings scheduled for 2023.
- A discussion around support for people impacted by disasters outside of the CES was held.
General business
- ENZ thanked the group for their work in 2022.
- The next EAG meeting is to be confirmed for February 2023.
The meeting was closed at 11.54am