17 May 2023
Engineering Advisory Group meeting minutes
Tania Williams (Chair, ENZ), Paul Kirby (GM Legal, ENZ), Tiffany Matsis (Legal Manager), Barry Brown (SESOC), David Whittaker (NZSEE), Tony Fairclough (NZGS), Dave Brunsdon (Consultant, ENZ) and Siobhan Lilley (ENZ, Panel Advisor)
In attendance
Darren Wright (Director, NZCRS), Kirsty Hamilton (Principal Advisor, NZCRS), Tom McBrearty (CHOAG, Chair)
Meeting administration
Conflicts of interest
- No new conflicts of interest declared.
Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed and progress noted on the actions register.
Panel services update
A data update was provided to the group with 12 complete engagements for 2023 and 7 in progress.
A facilitators meeting was held 1 May and included feedback from CEIT and NZCRS. Panel facilitators also provided general feedback on the process.
An update on the Legacy project was provided with documentation in development.
An update on the panel expansion was provided, with applications for the Natural Disaster Panel closing 22 May. Panel induction and training will be held 28 July.
NZCRS update
A data update was provided to the group with note made of NZCRS responding to 10 of New Zealand’s 16 regions. The geographical spread is currently a challenge.
Exit survey data remains positive.
Initial forecasting sees a predicted peak of 250 claims into the service in October 2023.
A general discussion took place with the members on the technical challenges of other natural disasters.
QA update
- The May QA report reviews were discussed. Feedback remained positive on the quality of reports. The group requested the original reports be included as part of future QA reviews.
Legacy documentation
- Draft documentation was discussed. There was general agreement of the high quality. The group were asked to provide written feedback by Friday 19 May.
EAG transition
- Terms of Engagement and Letter of Engagement documentation was discussed. Written feedback from the group was to be provided by Friday 19 May.
Canterbury Homeowner Advisory Group update
- An update on HOAG to be formed in regions following natural disasters was discussed.
- Engineering New Zealand staff were thanked for their support.
General business
Next steps
- The group were thanked as this would be the last official meeting of the Christchurch Earthquake Engineering Panel EAG.
Meeting closed: 12:01pm