Engineering Advisory Group

The NZCRS Engineering Advisory Group provides advice to the New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS) on engineering and other technical issues, recommends system improvements and supports engagement with stakeholders and interest groups within the engineering system.


The Engineering Advisory Group is convened by Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau and includes representation from the University of Canterbury and industry experts.

Chair – Tania Williams FEngNZ General Manager, Engineering Leadership, Engineering New Zealand

Tania is a General Manager at Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau, the professional body for New Zealand’s engineers. Tania joined Engineering New Zealand 5 years ago after a long career at engineering and management consulting firm MWH (now Stantec). Tania currently leads professional engineering practice, sector programmes, finance, and engagement with the 30 plus technical groups and societies, and 19 branches. Tania is passionate about the profession, bringing engineering to life, and ensuring appropriate engineering support of the resolution of insurance claims.

Latest meeting minutes – 12 April 2024


  • Tania Williams (Chair ENZ)
  • Paul Kirby (GM Legal ENZ)
  • Barry Brown (SESOC)
  • Graeme Beattie (NZSEE)
  • Tony Fairclough (NZGS)
  • Dave Brunsdon (Consultant, ENZ)

In attendance

  • Darren Wright (Director, NZCRS)
  • Kirsty Hamilton (Principal Advisor, NZCRS)
  • Siobhan Lilley (ENZ, Panel Advisor)
  • Tom McBrearty (CHOAG, Chair)
  • Gina Roland (Legal Advisor ENZ)
  • Izaac Sugre (Legal Manager ENZ)



Meeting administration


Welcome, reminder of updated agenda, last meeting minutes accepted.

Conflicts of interest 

No new conflicts of interest were declared.


Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed and progress noted on the actions register.


Panel services update

  1. A data update was provided to the group with 4 NZCRS (1 Peer Review and 3 Reinstatement Recommendations) and 3 EQC engagements (all Reinstatement Recommendations) completed so far in 2024. There are currently 8 NZCRS (4 Reinstatement Recommendations, 3 Peer Reviews and 1 Initial Appraisal), 3 EQC (2 Reinstatement Recommendations and 1 Peer Review) and 10 CEIT referrals in progress.  
    Action TW: approach EQC in regard to funding given increasing direct case referrals.

  2. A continuing trend of Reinstatement Recommendation referrals from NZCRS over other service offerings.

NZCRS update

  1. Note that the NZCRS Director’s Quarterly report would not be ready for another few weeks.
    Action KH: Circulate NZCRS Director’s Report once finalised.

  2. A staffing update was provided with some fixed term positions coming to an end in June.

  3. As of today, 1,067 open cases and closed 5,028. Of these 595 relate to CES, 12 Kaikoura, 29 Nelson, 229 Auckland flooding, 179 Cyclone Gabrielle and 23 from other events. Still seeing reasonable demand in Canterbury with 30-40 cases entering the service per month.

  4. Satisfaction survey results remain strong with 85% of homeowners stating that they would recommend the service to others.

  5. NZCRS are working to achieve ISO 9001 accreditation with continuous improvement embedded reflecting the quality control needed for a permanent service.

  6. Proposed EQC Dispute Resolution Service – feedback provided, TW has also been in discussion with EQC regarding the technical aspects of this service and emphasised the importance of independence of all technical advice. Service to be stood up by July 1.

  7. Work is underway with ICNZ around increasing accommodation allowance, reflecting cost of accommodation geographically.

  8. Workstream commenced around defining when an engineer should get engaged and commitment to supporting homeowners in the North Island with their engineering issues.

Proposed Rapid Appraisal Service

  1. KH presented proposed NZCRS service.
  2. Work underway with insurance companies and engineers to streamline process.
  3. Initial feedback: Case study model would be useful, identify minimum standard of what will be required by LBP – feedback needed from Panel Member’s (East Coast experience) currently on the ground. Early guidance would be useful to unify level of information to the engineer. Also ability to recognise common damage from events.

QA update

  1. Peer Review Report feedback: understanding and forming a view on existing damage.
    Action GB: to provide feedback to Panel.

  2. Reinstatement Recommendation Reports
    Discussion on report reviewed and feedback identified for RRR Panel Members.
    Action DB: to provide specific feedback to RRR Panel Members.

  3. Reinstatement Report Quality Review process: Need for additional discussion on RRR review process
    Action SL: to schedule additional meeting for EAG technical members.

Homeowner Advisory Group Update

Discussion on HOAG input to proposed EQC Dispute Resolution Service and advantage of using the Engineering New Zealand Panel and need for consistency.

General business

Next steps

Next EAG meeting date will be 2 July, in person.

Meeting closed: 11:45am