Advisory groups
The New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS) receives input from a range of advisory groups on emerging issues and ways we could improve our services.
Legal Advisory Group
The Legal Advisory Group provides advice to the NZCRS on legal issues, recommends system improvements and supports engagement with stakeholders and interest groups within the legal community. It also oversees the mediation and determination services.
Engineering Advisory Group
The NZCRS Engineering Advisory Group provides advice to the NZCRS on engineering and other technical issues, recommends system improvements and supports engagement with stakeholders and interest groups within the engineering system.
Canterbury Wellbeing Advisory Group
Wellbeing Advisory Groups are set up in response to significant events where there may be substantial wellbeing issues for the affected community.
Canterbury Homeowner Advisory Group
Local Homeowner Advisory Groups provide advice on local operational issues and provide a channel for outreach to the affected community. They provide feedback and advice to ensure that the NZCRS meets the needs of homeowners in the local community.