8 August 2023

Advisory Committee meeting minutes


  • Ingrid Bayliss (Chair)
  • Miriam Dean (Barrister Director)
  • Tania Williams (General Manager – Member Services, Engineering New Zealand)
  • Tom McBrearty (Chair, Canterbury Homeowner Advisory Group)
  • Casey Hurren (Chief Executive, Southern Response)
  • Tim Grafton (Chief Executive, ICNZ)
  • Edward Butler (Solicitor, MBIE)
  • Tina Mitchell (Chief Executive, Toka Tū Ake EQC)
  • Hamish Wall (Strategic Advisor,  Toka Tū Ake EQC)

In attendance

  • Darren Wright (Director, NZCRS)
  • Kirsty Hamilton (Principal Advisor, NZCRS)


  • Lucy D’Aeth (Chair, Canterbury Wellbeing Advisory Group)

Meeting administration

Conflicts of interest

  1. No conflicts of interest were declared.


  1. Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed and progress noted on the actions register.


NZCRS operational

  1. The Director spoke to his July 2023 NZCRS Director’s Report. Discussion followed.
  2. Staffing matters were discussed in relation to resourcing, wellbeing and base training for consistency as the service expands.
  3. Satisfaction survey data was discussed with the results remaining strong.
  4. In reference to Canterbury Earthquake cases, discussion followed on cases that are not then referred/reopened with Toka Tū Ake EQC and a commitment was made by the NZCRS Director to include relevant data in his next report.
  5. The upcoming marketing campaign was discussed in relation to the anticipated demand and that this would tie in with additional resourcing in the team.
  6. Aged claims (pre-2021) and barriers to their progression were discussed including those with Toka Tū Ake EQC and Southern Response.
  7. The successful claims clinics with Toka Tū Ake EQC were discussed. 11 of the 12 cases recently discussed were either resolved or pathways agreed.
  8. Land categorisation announcements were discussed and the Director reiterated that there needs to be an insurance claim for NZCRS to become involved. It was anticipated that as the announcements are made, demand for NZCRS will increase.

    Advisory group update

    Canterbury Homeowner Advisory Group

    1. The approach taken to homeowner communications and the frequency amongst the group were discussed.

    Legal Advisory Group

    1. The group asked that a further review in conjunction with the IDRS Advisor takes place of aged claims.
    2. An update was provided on the dispute resolution services and policy work underway.
    3. An update was provided on the current low update of the IDRS.

    Engineering Advisory Group

    1. The consultation process, launch and induction of the Natural Disaster Recovery Panel was discussed.
    2. An update on the Legacy project was provided with the intention of this being promoted widely in the industry.

    Review of agenda

    Next steps

    1. The next Advisory Committee meeting date is scheduled for 28 November 2023.

    Meeting closed at 2:29pm