2 May 2023

Advisory Committee meeting minutes


  • Ingrid Bayliss (Chair)
  • Miriam Dean (Barrister Director)
  • Tania Williams (General Manager – Member Services, Engineering New Zealand)
  • Lucy D’Aeth (Chair, Canterbury Wellbeing Advisory Group)
  • Tom McBrearty (Chair, Canterbury Homeowner Advisory Group)
  • Joanna Carr (Principal Advisor Stakeholders, Toka Tū Ake EQC)
  • Fiona Berry (Head of Policy and Government Relations, Toka Tū Ake EQC)
  • Casey Hurren (Chief Executive, Southern Response)
  • Sarah Knox (ICNZ)

In attendance

  • Darren Wright (Director, NZCRS)
  • Kirsty Hamilton (Principal Advisor, NZCRS)


  • Tina Mitchell (Chief Executive, Toka Tū Ake EQC)
  • Tim Grafton (Chief Executive, ICNZ)
  • Edward Butler (Solicitor, MBIE)

Meeting administration


  1. This is the first Advisory Committee meeting for the new nationwide New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS), which was launched on 20th February 2023.

Conflicts of interest

  1. No conflicts of interest were declared.


  1. Actions from the previous meeting (as the Greater Christchurch Claims Resolution Service) were reviewed and progress noted on the actions register.


NZCRS operational

  1. The Director spoke to his March 2023 NZCRS Director’s Report. Discussion followed.
  2. Scaling up NZCRS resourcing (both structure and capacity) to respond to the Auckland flooding and Cyclone event has been a focus. There will also be a strong focus in coming months on quality assurance across the response to all weather‑related events.
  3. The satisfaction survey was discussed, and input sought from the committee. The committee highlighted the importance of evaluating and understanding long term impacts on homeowners.

NZCRS launch and Terms of Reference

  1. The Director updated the group on the launch of the NZCRS. The response to date from all quarters to the new service was pleasing with NZCRS currently assisting in 14 of New Zealand’s 16 regions with weather-related events.
  2. The Director thanked Southern Response for their provision of staff who assisted during the launch.
  3. The Director thanked ICNZ for their support with messaging.
  4. An overview of general themes of advice was provided.
  5. The Terms of Reference were discussed, and an update provided.

Advisory group update

Wellbeing Advisory Group

  1. Staff wellbeing and support services available were discussed.
  2. Suggestions for additional wellbeing material on the website were made.

Canterbury Homeowner Advisory Group

  1. The group praised the communications being produced by ICNZ
  2. The complexities involved with the North Island event response were discussed.

Legal Advisory Group

  1. The group requested further information on the cases within NZCRS that are older than 2021.
  2. An update was provided on the dispute resolution services and policy work underway.
  3. A group membership update was provided.

Engineering Advisory Group

  1. The expansion of the expert panel was discussed.
  2. An advisory group being established in the Hawke’s Bay region was discussed.
  3. A group membership update was provided.
  4. An update on the Legacy project was provided.
  5. The group was thanked by the committee for their collaboration and support of the NZCRS.

Review of agenda

Next steps

  1. The next Advisory Committee meeting date is scheduled for 8 August 2023.

Meeting closed at 11.43am